Index of values

add [Immutable_types.GSet]
add el t adds el to t.
add [Mutable_types.GSet]
add el t adds el in-place to t.

decr [Mutable_types.DCounter]
decr t decrements the position associated with the numsite of t.
decr [Immutable_types.DCounter]
decr t decrements the position associated with the numsite of t.

incr [Mutable_types.IVector]
incr t increments the position associated with the numsite of t.
incr [Immutable_types.IVector]
incr t increments the position associated with the numsite of t.

lookup [Immutable_types.GSet]
lookup el t returns true if el is in t.
lookup [Mutable_types.GSet]
lookup el t returns true if el is in t.

make [Mutable_types.Mergeable]
Create a new mergeable element.
make [Immutable_types.Mergeable]
Create a new mergeable element.
make_in_range [Mutable_types.IVector]
make_in_range n creates a new IVector of size ranging from 0 to n.
make_in_range [Immutable_types.IVector]
make_in_range n creates a new IVector of size ranging from 0 to n.
merge [Mutable_types.Mergeable]
merge a b will merge the state of b with the one from a.
merge [Immutable_types.Mergeable]
merge a b will merge the state of a and the one from b to create a new mergeable element.

query [Mutable_types.IVector]
query t returns the raw state of t
query [Immutable_types.IVector]
query t returns the raw state of t

remove [Immutable_types.RSet]
remove el t removes el from t only if el is in t.
remove [Mutable_types.RSet]
remove el t removes el from t only if el is in t.

value [Immutable_types.GSet]
value t gets the raw state of t.
value [Mutable_types.GSet]
value t gets the raw state of t.