Module I_ORSet

module I_ORSet: sig .. end
Observed-Remove set.

Supports add, remove, lookup and merge operations. See Immutable_types.RSet. Contains two separate instances of a regular Map, one for adding (add_s) and the other for removing (remove_s).

add el t adds (unique (), el) to add_s, where unique is the result of calling Random.bits. This may or may not be enough entropy for your use case.

remove el t adds all {(u, el) | ∃ u : (u, el) ∈ add_s} to remove_s

Both lookup and value operate on the set difference add_s \ remove_s.

merge a b calls merges add_s_a with add_s_b and the same for b

module Make (O : Immutable_types.Comparable) : Immutable_types.RSet  with
  type elt = O.t
Creates an add / remove set of elements satisfying Immutable_types.Comparable